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Maryland Businesses can request Sales & Use Tax Refund

  • By 7016234673
  • 23 Mar, 2020

Comptroller Franchot: SALES & USE TAX NOT DUE TODAY

Businesses who paid March Sales & Use Tax early may request refund

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (March 20, 2020) - UPDATED: Businesses who paid their Maryland Sales & Use Taxes for March early may request a refund of their payment by emailing taxpayerrelief@marylandtaxes.gov or by calling 410-260-4020. To assist businesses affected by the economic impact of COVID-19, Comptroller Peter Franchot wants to remind business owners that he has extended business-related tax filing deadlines. Sales and Use Tax payments that typically would be due today do not have to be paid until June 1.

The extension applies to certain business returns with due dates during the months of March, April and May 2020 for businesses filing sales and use tax, withholding tax, and admissions & amusement tax, as well as alcohol, tobacco and motor fuel excise taxes, tire recycling fee and bay restoration fee returns.

Business taxpayers who file and pay by the extended due date will receive a waiver of interest and penalties.

"Our state’s top priority is safeguarding public health for Marylanders, but we must also protect the financial health of our economy," said Comptroller Franchot. "This extension will provide much-needed relief to our business owners as they adjust to changes in consumer behavior, tourism trends and employee workforce output."

The Maryland Comptroller’s Office also will offer a 90-day extension of income tax filings & payments from April 15 to July 15, 2020. Comptroller Franchot said both Maryland individual and corporate income taxpayers will be afforded the same relief for state income tax payments. No interest or penalty for late payments will be imposed if 2019 tax payments are made by July 15, 2020.

Fiscal and calendar year filers with tax years ending January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020 are also eligible for the July 15, 2020 payment extension. The due date for March quarterly estimated payments is extended to July 15, 2020.  

The agency has set up a dedicated email address — taxpayerrelief@marylandtaxes.gov — to assist businesses with extension-related questions. Business owners can also call the Comptroller's Ombudsman at 410-260-4020.

MEDIA CONTACTS:  Susan O'Brien -  sobrien@marylandtaxes.gov
                                        410-260-7305 (office); 443-875-8540 (mobile)

                                       Alan Brody -  abrody@marylandtaxes.gov
                                       410-260-6346 (office); 443-924-1473 (mobile)

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